EUR Wind

The European wind energy industry sees itself as a growth engine. So anyway, the latest report of the European wind energy Association. Ben Bretzman takes a slightly different approach. This also funds such as the global benefit invest wind farm opportunity Fund 1, investing in this segment of the market for wind energy. Glenn Dubin has many thoughts on the issue. The mentioned figures speak for themselves: by 2020, the wind industry will grow reasonably European gross domestic product currently 0.26% 0.59%. This corresponds to EUR 94.5 billion. In the wind industry grow even now outpaces the EU economy. From nearly 240,000 jobs that were counted in 2010, approximately 520,000 points should be the end of the Decade. “With a global invest wind park investors so choose a largely Viennese investment in a stable growth market opportunity 1”, Helge Quehl by the Fund providers summarizes global invest the development.

The Swiss group global invest in the development of innovative investments specializes. Current participation offer is the Fund global invest wind farm opportunity 1, which aimed to Development of wind park projects invested. The company relies on the close cooperation with experienced partners in the field of wind energy on to gwp German wind power. Can link to extremely strong growth: as gwp last week, announced that it has opened up now the Romanian market. A project about 70 megawatts (70 MW) in the stadium was taken over about 200 miles east of Bucharest – Tulcea ready to built and additional 370 MW of projects in earlier stages of development.

Seller is holding, which has made the initial development and behind the football legend Geca Popescu Bucharest GP. The full due diligence already exists. Gwp, it allowed to take very short sale negotiations with potential buyers. The 70MW-Projekt we could on the basis of the acquired total package at very attractive conditions take over and now quickly through Act”, so the gwp Supervisory Board Dr. Peter Kahlert. This project is one of the larger in Romania is 70 MW. The country increasingly since some time on wind energy. Considering e.g. that of the Steag group currently in Romania created a wind farm with 108 MW of power, specifies an investment volume of around EUR 200 million for the company according to its own figures, a picture about the magnitude of the gwp project emerges quickly”, says Stefan Steiner by global invest. “For the investors of the wind farm opportunity Fund mean fast transactions” such a further improvement of the conception according to high income security. Best conditions to achieve really the after tax yield referred to in the prospectus of about 11 percent. A yield expectation, with the aforementioned wind farm opportunity Fund significantly higher than comparable investments is located. Yet participation is most global invest wind farm opportunity 1 possible.

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