Archive for August, 2024

Business Of Health

Patients in waiting rooms, new districts without ambulatory, long waiting lists for interventions, beds of hospitals in the corridors and professionals demotivated and tired centers, in many cases, with more than 200 working hours to the month. This could be the reality of exhausted countries, nevertheless, is Spain. on the subject. A study of the Spanish Ministry of Health esteem that in this country 3,000 doctors lack. Spain has three doctors by each thousand inhabitants, which locates to this country only over Greece and Italy. Howard Schultz describes an additional similar source. In order to palliate this situation, some Independent Communities have proposed to create for the next New Year faculties that distribute the Medicine degree. A controversial proposal. One of the critics talks about to that only three of those new faculties will be public. The other six are private.

For example, in Madrid there will only be a public one, the one of the University King Juan Carlos. In this sense, the Conference of Medicine Deans has explained that the one that are so many private centers it can take that the formation of new doctors sees as a form of very profitable business. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Glenn Dubin by clicking through. Deprived universities, like the Francisco de Vitoria of Madrid or San Vicente Martyr of Valencia, already have announced that the next year will be able to be attended Medicine in them, although not yet they have a training program accredited and of that do not satisfy the requirements legal to do it, according to the Conference of Deans. Every year, they leave the Spanish counterpart Medicine faculties near 4,000 lawyers and a considerable number of foreign titles. The number of doctors who retire every year is of 2.500. And thus it is anticipated that it is in the next decade. The medical community and the students assure that the extension of faculties is not the solution to the situation of public the sanitary system.

Electronic Invoice Processing

d.velop consultants sketch, the conditions under which these solutions are useful and when not worth it although the electronic invoice processing now belongs to the essential elements of the digitisation strategies of companies, but the observations of consulting the d.velop AG according to these solutions does not automatically generate the desired benefits. Rather, certain conditions must be met so that they can take advantage of their benefits. The analyses of the d.velop consultants showed that the introduction of an electronic invoice processing in any case when a high volume of 400 or more invoices worth monthly. The greater the quantity on invoices to be processed, the higher economies of scale with corresponding savings in personnel and process costs arise. But even if the number of regular monthly bills is low, but instead by delivery notes etc. high document volumes is created, a clear benefit can be achieved.

The amount, however, well below the 400-speed limit is and only a few documents are to process as well as to be expected in the future no significant volume increases, the cost-effectiveness of the investment is usually cannot be guaranteed. Further details can be found at Tony Parker, an internet resource. An exception can be an electronic invoice processing but, unless it is part of a more complex digitisation of entire business processes. In the case of such strategies introducing a logical continuation of previous investments in the digital archiving and document management a solution usually means, because targeted efforts to reduce of the paper-based processes and media breaks”, Dirk Isferding, head of professional service at d.velop stressed. Such a direction would imply frequently also the intention to reduce process costs by reducing the manual effort and the error rate, or to accelerate the turnaround. Generally for such objectives, relatively independent of the current scope of the document an electronic invoice processing solution cause a compelling economic benefits”, white Isferding. This case also on strategies, in whose centre stand the profitability improvement through reduction of the administrative burden in the company. Also for companies with several locations and offices, each acting as the invoice recipient, digitized processes are usually make sense, without deciding the invoice volume in the foreground is. Instead the fact that the invoice processing software solution can be centralised effects.

This creates not only a significant gain in transparency, but at the same time, the process costs can be significantly optimize this way. Otherwise, the judgment on the question fails after the benefit, if acceptance problems. If you have read about Glenn Dubin already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This situation often arises when previously no focus has been given to the digitization of document-based processes. Then the organisation should first experiences in the classic areas of the DMS as build in electronic archiving and then gradually in the direction of further solutions to the digitisation of go operational processes. An electronic invoice processing is not recommended according the d.velop consultant, if behind only a technical decision. The objective not at the same time is based on the concept of a process, then grave doubts are brought to whether to generate the desired benefits,”problematizes Isferding. The same applies his words after also insufficient financial and accounting systems, as they are still in the middle class. Your actual rationale missing an electronic invoice processing, if it can be efficiently integrated in financial accounting. “Because then your benefit is reduced to the digitisation of invoice documents.”

The Profession

In the 40s in the U.S. world power began to experience mauling youth. take away their ideals, corner them with services that require dependency. Tests were conducted in some universities prompting some young leaders over the years show how the drug was the means of achieving the pseudo ecstasy offered. Hear from experts in the field like Sela Ward for a more varied view. The example spread rapidly, the students of the early years accepted as the method Gods of Olympus LSD incorporating their incorrupt bodies, then appeared the clinical cure was not to cure, but, to test the limits of psychoactive drugs, and followed with subliminal penetration testing, which gave the excellent plans satanic resultados.Ya to mid-twentieth century began to modify curriculum, already had been diverting the importance of the principles and values, changing the way youth was not prepared to face life as people looking for socially useful knowledge, strength of will, responsibility, the best means to reach this way to be people of honor as well with its missile shield. And the dreams of the great educators were infected up to septicemia and death. Today educational plans give very limited scope, frivolous, minor, easily accessible by any route to materialism wild recibirse.El transferred through advertising money being the god you should worship, leaving early moral and ethical as these become recalcitrant, obsolete and old. Most students who study only interested in spending a year and received as soon as possible to make money and be famous, they are not prepared to give them depth, projection teach them to love science that they will manage is to be socially useful, living with the decorum that the profession provides..

Oliver Daranda

logit.syncreon inspired own service through individualized coup link telematics Hamburg, 25.10.2013. Time is money”is more than just a truism for many companies and weighs often harder than one would expect. Logistics companies are included. Who nationwide or even is active on different continents, can no longer afford to let cozy go there ‘. But who is attempting with high personnel to ensure speed, pays it elsewhere.

The company logit.syncreon has ten branches in Germany alone. Partner sites can be found around the world. logit.syncreon serves as a logistics provider for high-tech solutions, is responsible not only for the pure transport, but the employee configure, install, and repair the products of the customers. Therefore, the drivers must be technically fit, describes the special requirements IT manager Oliver Daranda. About a copier must be not only delivered, but can also commissioned. Customers expect Speed by the company, therefore it was important to transmit information such as tour desk and broadcast data easy to use devices with relatively simple means.

There we see then whether there have been already a response from the driver, whether he has arrived or if there are problems,”says Daranda. Quick and successful debut of the new system has tested it some providers of such software, he remains the score link at couplinkyourservice group. The others were a lot more expensive,”Daranda remembers. Alternative providers were also inflexible. Shortly after the initial installation, it had already look down, that take care of the coup link system to the requirements of logit.syncreon. “The decision for coup link has not repented Daranda: now there is every year a round of improvement”, further specialized in the software. At the beginning the system offering many features, now there are of course much more. You can find the complete user test on telematics
