Archive for July, 2024

Online First Also Applying

Newspaper advertisement and classic application folder by the extinction of threatened Bonn/Cologne the small and medium-sized enterprises tighten: while online applications in large enterprises are now standard, also becoming less traditional resume land on the desks of medium-sized companies. As the magazine focus reported, SMEs in the candidate search use also no longer limited to the job ad in a print medium. More than half of the jobs monster are on company websites published according to a survey by the universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main, Germany on behalf of the online portal, a third in online job exchanges. The advantage is in the higher range, so Tim Weitzel, Professor of information systems at the University of Bamberg. Still drowning drowning in a flood of inappropriate applications many HR managers. We give with concludis the HR managers a tool, professional with the recruitment processes, cost and says the Cologne staff expert Marc Emde of KCP executives results-oriented can be designed”. This is a Web-based recruitment portal with connected online assessment developed for employees as well as specialists and managers across all sectors. quoted properly.

The advantages for the company are unique, so Edmonds: concludis eliminates the complete administrative process, such as the incoming inspection, archiving, and return of the application documents. Other leaders such as San Antonio Spurs offer similar insights. All applicant data available in a structured database available. Companies supplement their base interested, even after many years can be accessed back gradually. A candidate today no adequate offer can be made which is perhaps three years later very valuable for a company.” A serial mail function all applicants could be informed continuously about the company. But also the potential candidates have advantages, because he could his professional Vita for collect and keep up to date. After the first processing the candidate about his user name and his password can its application data at any time access and, if necessary, modify it”, so Edmonds. Especially the middle class in the look take Emde and KCP executives, a company run by him. Everywhere, the call for more innovation and efficiency in the human resources departments is to hear.

The topics of information technology and Web-based tools are neglected so far. One clings still too much on the traditional instruments”, says the staff expert. Human resources departments should be urgently economic and refine the Web-based recruitment. In Germany and Austria, this trend is according to current surveys on a good way.

Lose Weight Sensibly

When it comes to losing weight, there literally thousands of plans, diets and systems available. Some are just whims, some of them really work, but unfortunately, some of them are frankly dangerous. How can you find out which are which? Read this article to know what to do to lose weight sensibly or separate the good from the bad. To to lose weight sensibly diet pills can be quickly and easily lose weight, but you must avoid eating them at all costs. Diet pills may contain dangerous ingredients and can cause numerous health conditions such as vomiting, attack heart, seizures, problems breathing, heartbeat irregular heart, stroke, changes in blood pressure or even sudden death, if you want to know what to do to lose weight definitely this method is not recommended. Fiber is a vital component of any healthy diet. In addition to its ability to prevent constipation, fiber offers other benefits for your health, how to reduce your risk of diabetes, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces the risk of heart disease and possibly prevent colorectal cancer. Fiber can help you lose weight, making you feel full faster and lasts longer.

That to do to lose weight? If your diet consists of more than 60 percent of carbohydrates, it is difficult to lose weight. Limit your consumption of carbohydrates will cause your body to burn fat for energy, definitely resulting in weight loss. Eat snacks high in carbohydrates can cause a slump of sugar, what you will feel the need to eat even more. Skip meals sounds like an easy way of eliminating the calories in your diet. But this is a bad idea, however, since there are foods that can not lower sugar in the blood, causing intense anxiety that leads you to give you binge eating snacks high in carbohydrates. You should eat five small meals a day to keep your blood sugar levels stable and help fight cravings. While there is no definitive answer to the question you do to lose weight, exercise is very important. To reduce the risk of diseases of the heart, you have to do at least 30 minutes of exercise moderate 5 times a week.

If you are hoping to lose some weight with your exercise routine, you will have to do it for 30 minutes to an hour every day to see results. A diary of meals is an important tool that make for losing weight. A journal allows you to know exactly how many calories are really consuming and can help you eliminate all the extras of your meals. The journal American Journal of Preventive Medicine conducted a study that showed that a diary of food has the potential of doubling your weight loss. Then you do to lose weight? The support is always important to have sufficient emotional support during your program to lose weight is as important as your diet and exercises. Pidele your family their support and hasles know how important that is to your success. You do to decrease of weight? You have a training partner or partner’s diet is another way to make sure that you are not alone on your journey of weight loss. There are also many available commercial weight loss programs that offer meetings or a personal trainer that can guide you on your way. Do to lose weight sensibly is your goal, develop a sensible plan and get enough support. With hard work and determination, you cross the finish line.

Mobile Control

Text messaging with voice recognition software write nuance cooperation starts with network operators great potential for ASR provides nuance General Manager Michael Maria Bommer in mobile communications. So, his company to the mobile control’s software solutions are already pre-installed on four billion mobile devices. Globally 1.1 billion mobile phones be delivered this year. Nuance technology in the operating system is built on 880 million devices. There are the most innovative and formative developments for mobile communication at the time. For example, the dictation by SMS. They speak a message into the phone, which from there, sent to our server, transkripiert and will be sent back within one second as text.

The quality, the comfort and the safety that is achieved with this system during the drive, is enormous,\”said Mohammad Reza on the Conference of conversations\” in Munich. Other industry experts believe. Who wants to write text messages on mobile phones, must still put up with many restrictions. Not much will change the format of the devices. The keyboard in different variations is simply too small for many people. Voice control will prevail here sooner or later, not only when writing text messages, but also search\”, predicts Peter Walker Madrigal, Chief Executive of the ICT service provider Bitronic. \”The FAZ editorial engine and technology\” a beta software from Nuance on different devices from Nokia could now test up to the BlackBerry.

A touch of a button starts the system, they say, for example, SMS to Klaus Muller on the phone ‘. The software identifies the corresponding entry in the phonebook of the unit and prepared the SMS form. With a further keystroke you dictated his message now, incorporating lands via mobile phone within a few seconds at nuance, there is transcribed and insert the result into the SMS mask. Errors can be quick to correct, because sends each recognized word nuance service possible and probable alternatives.
